The Rainbow Fish

  • Author/Illustrator:  Marcus Pfisterrainbowfish
  • Date of Publication:  1992
  • Title:  The Rainbow Fish
  • ISBN #:  1-55858-010-7
  • What level is the book (what grade level):  Second/Third Grade
  • What it is about:  The rainbow fish has beautiful shiny scales and all the other fish love and admire his scales.  After the little blue fish asks the rainbow fish for one of his shiny scales and the rainbow fish is very mean to him, no one wants to play with the rainbow fish anymore.  After some advice from the wise octopus, the rainbow fish decides to give the little blue fish one of his scales.  This makes him both of them very happy, so the rainbow fish continues to give away his shiny scales until he only has one left. 
  • What you might be able to do with it in a class:  Students can make their own rainbow fish by using the rainbow fish outline on posterboard, tissue paper, and aluminum foil.  After the fish is finished, write on the shiny aluminum foil scale what trait they like about themselves.


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Filed under Children's Book Reviews

5 responses to “The Rainbow Fish

  1. williamsme1

    I love this book too! I used this book in health class when we had to do a project with a health related issue! I actually did the same acitivity in my lesson plan! I guess great minds think alike! 🙂

  2. anmccall

    I love this book too! I used to read it in school and I really loved it then. Having the kids make their own fish is a great idea

  3. councilcn

    My Favorite Book EVER!! Good choice!!

  4. durmiree

    Oh I love this book!!! I remember the first time it was read to me! I believe it was in the 3rd grade and I thought it was the best book ever! I still believe that to this day!

  5. coffeycd

    This book sounds to be a good book. It would be good to read in kindergarten to teach the children to share.

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